Photo Mentoring

 Photography Mentoring


I have been getting requests for ~years~ at this point for a mentorship program. I will be honest with you, I didn’t want to do it. And NOT because I wanted to keep all of my (hard earned) information to myself or because I didn’t want to associate with greener, newer wedding photographers.

It was because I didn’t at all like the set up of typical mentorship programs that I had been seeing and I thought I had to structure mine like those. Paying an arm and a leg for a class-like program that went on for potentially months?? No thanks, I barely had funds to fill my car with gas when I was just starting out let alone give all I had to participate in a program I wasn’t even sure I would get what I wanted out of it.

Also on the other end, I don’t have the time as an instructor to come up with basically a CURRICULUM for new photographers like I’m a college professor.

However all of that being said, I learned about 80% of what I know about being a wedding photographer and having a successful business from my peers and situations outside of the classroom, which I also participated in.

I won’t say that college taught me nothing, I had the freedom to explore the art side of my brain at MASSART, and it was very important for developing my style of photography and how to bring the unique creativity piece of my business. EVEN SO I worked every spare minute I wasn’t in school just to be able to take the train there, let alone pay any other bills, and so came the time to learn to work the smartest and not hardest (but you should work hard as hell too).

SOOO I want to make part of my business helping those get to where they need to be in a way that benafits us both.

An hour of my time comes to between $300-400, which people STILL tell me is too low, and maybe it is, but for now it is what it is. That is something that I REALLY had to learn and am still learning, what is my time worth?

For now an hour is $350 so that’s what I ask of my…uh..students? Sure, students. I’m offering my mentorships at an hourly rate, that’s right. You can pick and choose when to talk to me. Once a week, once a month, sure! You can pick and choose what to talk about before the session and I will answer whatever questions you have!

And guess what…there’s a discount for scheduling multiple appointments, isn’t there always? I’ll even put a handy chart below for you to take a look at.